Have you witnessed racist or criminal statements against Palestine or pro-Palestinian supporters? Report them here. Our legal experts will review your case and determine if legal action can be pursued.
Stay updated on your case status through your dashboard or receive email notifications.
If you come across hate speech, racist remarks, or incitement to violence, capture it (screenshots, videos, or links).
Fill out our form with details and upload evidence. You can remain anonymous or create an account to track your case.
Our team of legal professionals will review your case and assess whether it qualifies for legal action.
If the case is approved, it is assigned to a legal team that takes necessary steps, including filing lawsuits.
Ensure those spreading hate speech and discrimination face legal consequences.
Stopping hate speech helps protect communities and prevent escalation into violence.
Every case strengthens legal frameworks, making it easier to fight future discrimination.
Give a voice to victims and support legal actions that defend their rights.
Your support allows us to provide legal assistance and challenge hate speech in court. You can donate to a specific case or support the platform to help sustain our legal efforts.
Have questions about reporting a case? Find answers on what can be reported, anonymity options, and the legal process.
You can report any hate speech, racist remarks, incitement to violence, or discriminatory statements, whether spoken, written, or shared on social media. Supporting evidence, such as screenshots or videos, will strengthen your case.
Yes. You can submit a case without revealing your identity. Simply choose the anonymous submission option, and your personal details will not be shared.
Our legal team will review the evidence to assess its legal validity. If the case qualifies for legal action, it will be assigned to a lawyer, and you will receive updates on its progress.